The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, world-wide competition that challenges teams, professionals, and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way that is unlike any other, with a new challenge every year. The program is a life-changing, career-molding experience, and a lot of fun. In 2015, the 24th year of competition, 2904 teams with roughly 73,000 students and 17,500 mentors from 19 countries built robots. The competitions are high-tech, spectator sporting events and are the result of brainstorming, real-world teamwork, dedicated mentoring, project timelines, and deadlines. Colleges, universities, corporations, businesses, and individuals provide scholarships to its participants. Involved engineers rediscover many of the reasons they chose engineering as a profession, and the companies they work for contribute to the community, while they prepare and create their future workforce. The competition shows students that the technological fields hold many opportunities, and that the basic concepts of science, math, engineering, and invention are exciting and interesting.