I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Baltimore in May 1990 and passed the CPA exam in November 1990. In Baltimore, I worked as an external auditor for the public accounting firm of KPMG Peat Marwick before becoming an internal auditor for McCormick & Company.
In 1995, we had the opportunity to move to Chesterfield County for my husband’s career, which allowed me to be a stay at home mom for our twins. Being a stay at home mom did not keep me from accounting and numbers, as I was the treasurer for the Richmond Area Mothers of Multiples and later, for the PTA of our daughters’ school, Jacobs Road. As the girls grew, I took a position at their elementary school, giving me the opportunity to serve not only my family, but also the wider community of the elementary school children and their families. From lunch room monitoring to library assistant, I enjoyed getting to each child at Jacobs Road Elementary School from kindergartners through fifth graders. Many came to the library telling me they didn't like to read...and together we discovered that they did, they just needed to find the right books.
As our girls entered high school, I returned to accounting, working for a local non-profit missionary group part-time, then the Christian-based broadcast company, Salem Web Network full-time. In May 2013, I began my career with Chesterfield County, in the Central Accounting department. My position there handled the accounting for the County’s internal service funds, the Airport and debt service, all of which gave me the opportunity to work with various County departments. Just after completing my first year in this position, I was selected as the Accounting Employee of the Year for the County, an unexpected honor.
In May 2017, I moved to the Treasurer’s Office as Deputy Treasurer, where I manage the accounting section of the Treasurer’s Office and handle the County’s investment portfolio. I have also played an integral part in the implementation of the County’s new property tax system, through testing and ensuring proper internal controls. This is still an ongoing process as we continue to strive for the best the system can provide.
My purpose, as Treasurer, is to continue the mission of the Treasurer’s Office: to ensure fiscal integrity and provide world-class customer service through excellence in treasury management. Through working for the County almost six years now, I have found a unique group of co-workers who are hard-working and deeply committed to serving the public. This inspired me to run for Treasurer, to support and stand beside them, and continually look for ways to improve taxpayer experience in dealing with our office and the County as a whole."